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Johnathan Snow















Ab Initio

 Artist: Johnathan Snow
 Date: 2012
 Media: Cast bronze
 Size: 10" diameter, 6" height

Our world exists as a segment on a line of perspective that, for us, seems infinite. Where do we lie on this line? How large does it all get? What is “small“?

In my bronze piece, Ab Initio (Latin term meaning "from the beginning"), I am trying to relate this concept of open-ended construction. I want the viewer to feel a sense of condensing and expanding at the same time, and perhaps question where they might rest in the overall scheme. I’m fascinated by the thought of a compounding process in motion, this primary structure of formation, the branching nature of everything with small elements forming a larger whole (decisions, knowledge, ideas, cells, bricks, etc.). When I can see that whole or section of a whole with its smaller parts, it feels like I've caught a glimpse into the "machine", a little window into enlightenment.


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